Associated partners

ATMO-ACCESS invites researchers, both from academia and industry, working in relevant fields to cooperate with us through our Associated Partnership programme.

ATMO-ACCESS provides coordinated open physical, remote and virtual access to state-of-the-art facilities and services in atmospheric research infrastructures (RI). ATMO-ACCESS addresses the needs for developing guidelines and recommendations for establishing a comprehensive and sustainable framework for access to distributed atmospheric RIs. The project mobilizes resources in the different atmospheric RI communities (ACTRIS, ICOS, IAGOS) to engage facilities and national stakeholders into harmonizing access procedures in relation to policies, conditions for access and financial regulations. ATMO-ACCESS aims at enlarging the range of products, capabilities and accessibility of different research facilities to offer complementary and innovative services, including digital services, as part of a joint cross-RI effort.

Many opportunities are available to our Associated Partners. They can participate in ATMO-ACCESS’s project activities and benefit from the following:

  • Participation in access organisation activities e.g. access guidelines, user/stakeholder engagement
  • Participation in added value services e.g. training, digital services, new TNA/VA modalities 
  • Access to project information and progress
  • Participation in project meetings and workshops.
  • Public-private partnerships for new and innovative R&T&I services related to atmospheric RIs

Participation in TNA and VA activities will not require to be associated with the project.

Associated Partners are not charged for participating in the project, but they are expected to cover possible costs related to their activities within ATMO-ACCESS. Some limited travel costs may be covered by the project on request, decided on a case-by-case basis, and in agreement with the ATMO-ACCESS contract.

Institutions interested in joining ATMO-ACCESS to be part of the portfolio of facilities providing access to users, will be able to do so through a specific call, which will be opened at a later stage.

How to apply

Any legal entity interested in associating with ATMO-ACCESS is invited to submit an application form. Associated Partners are proposed to the ATMO-ACCESS Scientific Steering Committee and approved by the General Assembly. The admittance of an Associated Partner is based on the coherence of the proposed activities with the project’s objectives. Associated Partners are asked to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect any confidential proprietary information available under the project.

If your company/institution is interested in becoming an Associated Partner of ATMO-ACCESS, please fill in the online application form.


If you have any questions about becoming an Associated Partner, please send an email to the Project Office (project-office [a]

Our Current Associated Partners




